Next-Gen Cybersecurity:
The AI Revolution
Advanced course on the use of artificial intelligence to strengthen the cybersecurity of banks. The XOI methodology for measuring cyber risk is briefly explained.
The global vision of CyberRisk, cyberattacks and losses suffered by financial institutions, methodologies and good practices on cybersecurity in business processes are exposed, and some technical standards for management and control are explained, such as NIST, Cobit 5. and ISO 27001.
Cyber Risk Appetite, Cyber Risk Limits and Cyber Risk Tolerance methodologies for the governance and control of Cyber Risk are exposed.
Traditional methodologies such as logistic regression and other, innovative, machine learning methodologies are exposed, such as: decision trees, naive bayes, KKN, LASSO logistic regression, random forest, neural networks, Bayesian networks, Support Vector Machines, gradient boosting tree, etc
The use of artificial intelligence and in particular machine learning and deep learning to strengthen cybersecurity is explained, advanced models are shown to detect anomalies, transactional fraud, phishing, cyber attacks, intrusions and malware.
There are four modules dedicated to advanced deep learning, that of convolved neural networks for facial recognition, the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) to detect adverse attacks from machine learning algorithms, recurrent neural networks for the classification of CyberRisk events, and multilayer. perceptron for intrusion and anomaly detection.
The exercises have been developed in two powerful languages, Python and R, and are presented in the JupyterLab environment to enhance learning.
This program is aimed at directors, managers, consultants, regulators, auditors and risk analysts, operational risks, cyber risks, as well as those professionals who are implementing cybersecurity measures. Professionals who work in banks, savings banks and all those companies that are exposed to cyber risks. Statistical and mathematical knowledge is required.

Price: 6.900 €
Europe: Mon-Fri, CEST 16-19 h
America: Mon-Fri, CDT 18-21 h
Asia: Mon-Fri, IST 18-21 h

Level: Advanced

Duration: 30 h

Presentations: PDF
Exersises: Python, Cython, R and Jupyterlab

Next-Gen Cybersecurity:The AI Revolution
Cybersecurity in Basel III
Module 1: Cyber Resilience
Cyber risks in banking
CyberRisks in Latin America and Europe.
Cyber Resilience Standards and Guidelines
Case Study 1: Recent Regulatory Initiatives: Australia, Germany and the US Minimum Requirements
cybersecurity strategy
Management roles and responsibilities
Recognition of the importance of the board of directors and senior management
Variety of supervisory approaches regarding the second and third lines of defense (3LD)
Case Study 2: Roles and responsibilities of chief information officers (CISOs) in cyber governance
Cyber risk awareness culture
Architecture and standards
Cybersecurity Workforce
Case Study 3: Frameworks for professional cybersecurity training and certification programs
Risk management, testing, and incident response and recovery approaches
Methods for monitoring cyber resilience
Risk specialists assess information security management and controls
Jurisdictions are increasingly engaging with industry to address cyber resilience
Testing of information security controls and independent assurance
Mapping and classification of business services should inform testing and assurance
Penetration Test
Taxonomy of cyber risk controls
Response and recovery and exercise tests
Service continuity assessment, response and recovery plans, and continuous learning
Joint public-private exercise
Case Study 4: “Exercise Resilient Shield”
Cybersecurity and resilience metrics
Cybersecurity and resilience metrics
Emerging Resilience Indicators
Communication and information exchange
Overview of cross-jurisdictional information sharing frameworks
Sharing information between banks or peers
Case Study 5: FS-ISAC: key features and benefits
Sharing from banks to regulators
Sharing between regulators
Case Study 6 - Bilateral exchange of cybersecurity information between the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) and the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS)
Module 2: Cyber Risks
Current Vision of Cyber Risk
identification of cyber risks
Malware and other threats
Cyber-Security in practice
Security Government
Risk management
Security politics
Safeguards Policy
Contingency Plans
Security Audits
Some Cyber risks
Exploit Kits
Information leakage
DDoS attack
internet of things
infrastructure attack
Advanced Malware
Avoidance, Acceptance, Mitigation or transfers of Cyber-Risks (Cyber-Insurance)
Incident Response
Legal Aspects of Incident Response
Computer forensics
Digital Compliance
Intelligence in Open Sources
Brand Defense. Intellectual Property Rights
Digital Reputation. Crisis Communication
Fraud and Online Identity Management
Computer Law and ICT's
Procedural Law and Human Rights in Cyber-Space
Penal responsibility of juridical persons
Cryptography and Authentication Systems
Industrial Cyber-Security (IT/OT)
Logic Cyber-Security
Cyber risks in banking
financial robberies
Attacks on banking transactions
credit card theft
Wholesale Banking
Lazarus cyber attack on the SWIFT system
Bank resources allocated to cybersecurity
Cloud service provider (CSP)
Analysis of the main CSP providers
Analysis and duration of blackouts in the Cloud service
Module 3: Cyber Risk Management
Enterprise Risk Management in cyber risk
Involvement of senior management
Cybersecurity in business processes
Identification of:
Critical bank assets
critical business functions
Critical business partners: customers, suppliers, outsourcing
Critical data, critical connections
Main threats to the bank
Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity NIST
Main technical standards
NIST 800-53
Cobit 5
ISO 27001
Policies and control of cyber risk
Governance of Cyber Risk in practice
Lines of defense
risk analysis
Probability and impact maps
CyberRisk mitigation strategies
Identity and access management
data protection
Security analytics using machine learning
NIST CSF pillars
safety hygiene
Recovery time objective
Recovery point goal
Risk management of third-party technology
Security architecture
Cloud environment and mobile security
Module 4: Measuring Cyber Attacks using XOI Approach: Exposure, Occurrence and Impact
Exposure Definition
Selection of KRIs
Exposure modeling and conditioning
Definition of hypothesis
Modeling and conditioning of the occurrence
Occurrence quantification
Impact quantification
Types of indicators
Indicator predictability
Bayesian networks
The Bayesian Network Scenario Model
graphic interpretation
Simulation using Bayesian networks
XOI modeling for Cyber risks in banking
Cyber Risk Scenarios
Banking cyberattacks
Exercise 1: XOI modeling in cyberattacks using Bayesian networks in Python and R
Module 5: Cyber Risk Appetite
Principles of an effective Cyber Risk Appetite methodology
Definitions and analysis:
Risk appetite framework
Risk Appetite Statement
Risk Tolerance
Risk Capacity
Risk Profile
Establishment of Limits in Cyber Risk
Principles of Effectiveness of the Cyber Risk Appetite Statement
Establishment of Limits and Metrics in Cyber Risks
Establishment of risk limits and tolerance in CibeRiesgos
Incorporation of Cyber Risk Appetite in decision making, new products, new lines of business, etc.
Mitigation plans
Machine Learning for Cybersecurity
Module 6: Machine Learning
Artificial intelligence
Definition of Machine Learning
Machine Learning Methodology
Data Storage
Supervised Learning
Unsupervised Learning
Reinforcement Learning
Deep learning
Typology of Machine Learning algorithms
Steps to Implement an Algorithm
Information collection
Exploratory Analysis
Model Training
Model Evaluation
Model improvements
Machine Learning in consumer credit risk
Machine Learning in credit scoring models
Analysis of main tools: R, Python, Microsoft Azure, SAS Enterprise Miner, SAS Visual Analytics, Knime, IBM SPSS Modelller, Spark, etc.
Module 7: Artificial Intelligence AI for Cyber Security in Banking
AI artificial intelligence for cybersecurity
Detection of cyber security anomalies
Advanced deep learning models
Use of Supervised Learning in cybersecurity
Use of Unsupervised Learning in cybersecurity
Detection and mitigation of Phishing
Deep Learning for the detection of attacks and malware
Recurrent Neural Networks
Intrusion detection
Network Traffic Analysis
Botnet detection
Machine learning to detect DDoS attacks
Detection of fraud in financial transactions
Detection on sensors
Banking fraud analytics
Advanced machine learning techniques for cybersecurity
Main vendors of AI for cybersecurity
Visualization tools
Unsupervised Learning to detect anomalies
Module 8: Unsupervised models
Hierarchical Clusters
K Means
standard algorithm
Euclidean distance
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Advanced PCA Visualization
Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
Exercise 2: Principal components in R and SAS
Exercise 3: Anomaly detection with K-Means R
Supervised Learning to detect Fraud and anomalies
Module 9: Logistic Regression and LASSO Regression
Transactional fraud detection models
Econometric Models
Logit regression
probit regression
Piecewise Regression
survival models
Machine Learning Models
Lasso Regression
Ridge Regression
Model Risk in Logistic Regression
Exercise 4: Fraud score Logistic Regression in SAS and R
Exercise 5: Fraud score Logistic Regression Lasso in R
Module 10: Trees, KNN and Naive Bayes
Decision Trees
Advantages and disadvantages
Recursion and Partitioning Processes
Recursive partitioning tree
Pruning Decision tree
Conditional inference tree
Tree display
Measurement of decision tree prediction
CHAID model
Model C5.0
K-Nearest Neighbors KNN
Advantages and disadvantages
Euclidean distance
Distance Manhattan
K-value selection
Probabilistic Model: Naive Bayes
Naive bayes
Bayes' theorem
Laplace estimator
Classification with Naive Bayes
Probabilistic Model: Naive Bayes
Naive bayes
Bayes' theorem
Laplace estimator
Classification with Naive Bayes
Advantages and disadvantages
Exercise 6: Anomaly detection with R decision tree
Exercise 7: Detection of KNN anomalies in R and SAS
Exercise 8: Naive Bayes Anomaly Detection in R
Module 11: Support Vector Machine SVM
SVM with dummy variables
Optimal hyperplane
Support Vectors
Add costs
Advantages and disadvantages
SVM visualization
Tuning SVM
Kernel trick
Exercise 9: Detection of Support Vector Machine anomalies in R
Exercise 10: Fraud Score support Vector Machine in Python data 2
Module 12: Neural Networks (Neural Networks NN)
Artificial neuron
Perceptron Training
Backpropagation algorithm
Training procedures
Tuning NN
NN display
Advantages and disadvantages
Exercise 11: Fraud Score using Neural Networks: multilayer perceptron in R data 1
Exercise 12: Fraud Score Neural Networks in Python data 2
Module 14: Ensemble Learning for Phishing
Set models
Bagging trees
Random Forest
Gradient Boosting Trees
Advantages and disadvantages
Exercise 14: Phishing detection Boosting in R
Exercise 15: Phishing detection in R
Exercise 16: Random Forest phishing detection, R and Python
Exercise 17: Phishing Detection Gradient Boosting Trees
Module 15: Validation of Machine Learning models
Out of Sample and Out of time validation
Checking p-values in regressions
Validation of time series MSE, MAD
Waste diagnosis
cross validation
Error bootstrapping
Binary case confusion matrix
Multinomial case confusion matrix
ROC curve
confidence intervals
Jackknifing with discriminant power test
Bootstrapping with discriminant power test
Kappa statistic
K-Fold Cross Validation
Traffic Light Analysis
Exercise 18: K-Fold Cross Validation of machine learning and deep learning models in Python and R
Exercise 19: ROC curve estimation in Python and R
Exercise 20: Bootstrapping ROC in R
Exercise 21: Kappa estimation and multinomial and binary confusion matrix in Python and R
Supervised Learning to detect Fraud and anomalies
Module 16: Deep Learning
Definition and concept of deep learning
Why now the use of deep learning?
Neural network architectures
Activation function
Rectified linear unit
Cost function
Gradient descending optimization
Using Tensorflow
Using Tensorboard
R deep learning
Python deep learning
Use of deep learning
How many hidden layers?
How many neurons, 100, 1000?
How many times and size of the batch size?
What is the best activation function?
Deep Learning Software: Caffe, H20, Keras, Microsoft, Matlab, etc.
Deployment software: Nvidia and Cuda
Hardware, CPU, GPU and cloud environments
Deep Learning Typology
Feedforward neural network
Multilayer Perceptron
Convolutional Neural Networks
Use of deep learning in image classification
Recurrent neural networks
Temporal series
Long Short Term Memory
Module 17: Deep Learning Feed Forward Neural Networks for anomalies, intrusions and traffic analysis
Cyber risks intrusions
Network traffic analysis
Single Layer Perceptron
Multiple Layer Perceptron
Neural network architectures
Activation function
Rectified linear unit (Relu)
The U
Hyperbolic hypertangent
Back propagation
Directional derivatives
Chain rule
Optimization and local and global minima
Exercise 22: Time Series Anomaly Detection Using LSTM
Exercise 23: Intrusion detection using convolved neural networks
Exercise 24: Network traffic analysis using multilayer perceptron neural networks
Module 18: Deep Learning CNN Convolutional Neural Networks for Facial Recognition
Facial Recognition for cybersecurity
CNN for pictures
Design and architectures
convolution operation
descending gradient
fully connected
Credit Scoring using CNN
Recent CNN studies applied to credit risk and scoring
Exercise 25: Facial Recognition using Deep Learning CNN
Módulo 19: Deep Learning Redes Neuronales Recurrentes RNN
Selección y clasificación de ciberriesgos
Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing (NLP) text classification
Long Term Short Term Memory (LSTM)
Bidirectional associative memory
Gradiente Descendiente
Metodos de optimización globales
RNN y LSTM en las finanzas
Modelos unidireccionales y bidireccionales
Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding
BERT Google
Ejercicio 26: Deep Learning CNN vs RNN para la clasificación de documentos
Ejercicio 27: Credit Scoring usando Deep Learning LSTM
Módulo 20: Adversarial machine learning
Ataques adversos para la ciberseguridad
Tipología de ataques adversos
Muestras adversarias
Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)
Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM)
Creación de muestras de malware adversarial utilizando GAN
Ejercicio 28: Ataque basado en gradiente en clasificación de imagen errónea