About us
FERMAC RISK SL, is a Spanish company whose main objective is to train and advise executives of financial institutions on financial risk management issues.
FERMAC RISK, is the best training alternative for risk departments of banks, savings banks, telecoms, utilities, insurance companies and all those financial institutions.
At FERMAC RISK, we specialize in credit risk, operational market, liquidity, concentration, life insurance, non-life insurance and business risk, as well as Basel III and Solvency II projects.

Are you ready to become a financial risk expert using the incredible power of quantum technology? Then our training courses are perfect for you!
Financial risks play an important role in today's market conditions, and understanding and controlling these risks is becoming increasingly necessary for successful financial management. That is why we have developed unique courses that combine two powerful areas: financial risks and quantum technologies.
Our courses offer you a deep dive into the world of financial risk, from basic concepts to advanced management strategies. But what really makes our courses unique is the integration of quantum technologies into the learning process.
Quantum technologies make it possible to process and analyze huge amounts of data with incredible speed and accuracy, which opens up new opportunities for identifying and predicting financial risks. Our courses will allow you to master these innovative techniques and use them in your work or business.
Experts in financial risk and quantum technology have designed our courses to provide you with the most up-to-date information and techniques to apply. You will study real-life cases from the world of financial markets and apply quantum methods to data analysis, allowing you to make informed investment decisions, reduce risks and increase your profitability.
Advantages of our training courses:
- Deep understanding of financial risks and their management
- Integration of quantum technologies for data analysis and risk forecasting
- Application of real cases from the financial world
- Expert knowledge and experience in the field of financial risks and quantum technologies
- Practical skills to make informed investment decisions
Don't miss the opportunity to become a financial risk expert using quantum technology. Sign up for our courses right now and open up new horizons in financial management!
Fernando González Cervantes
Socio Director
D. Fernando González Cervantes, es Socio Director de Fermac Risk desde 2008. Tiene experiencia internacional, en la gestión de riesgos financieros en paises tales como España, Francia, Alemania, UK, Perú, Portugal, Brasil, México, Andorra, Chile y Estados Unidos. De 2007 a 2008 trabajó como Director de Data Science en el ASNEF EFX en España y Portugal, de 2005 a 2007 como Risk Intelligence Manager en SAS Institute de España y Portugal, de 1999 a 2005 como Director de Riesgos BBVA en España. De 1997 a 1999 como Portfolio Manager en CITIBANK.
Julia Tsedryk
Business development manager
Entre las funciones de Dª Yulia es potenciar la imagen corporativa de la empresa y la imagen de marca de sus productos. Para ello, participa en la definición de la estrategia de marketing, desarrolla actividades con clientes, realiza presentaciones de productos y servicios, y ejerce de representante de la empresa en eventos públicos.
Mariana Ibancovichi
Gerente Comercial
Dª Mariana, responsable comercial de entidades financieras en España y América, tiene estudios de ciencias empresariales y logística, diseña estrategias comerciales, establece relaciones con Clientes de bancos y entidades financieras en América Latina.
Martha Segoviano
Directora Comercial y Marketing
Dª Martha Segoviano Tapia es Socia Directora de Fermac Risk desde 2008 y Responsable de Marketing y del departamento comercial. Ha trabajado en el departamento comercial, en los laboratorios Schering-Plough de 2004 al 2008. Como responsable de Marketing en IMER de 2000 a 2004. Y como Gerente de Recursos Humanos en Costco de 1996 a 2000. Tiene un Master en Planificación estratégica de empresas en la Universidad Iberoamericana, una especialización en Marketing Internacional y una Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Comunicación en la Universidad la Salle.
Ernesto Tapia
Gerente Tecnología
D. Ernesto Tapia, tiene una Ingeneria en Sistemas, experto en sistemas computacionales, analítica social, redes, gestión de call centers de telemarketing, data mining, text mining y Big Data.
Instructores de Cursos Fermac Risk

Instructores e Instructoras de Cursos Fermac Risk

Jefa de Unidad de Modelos de Riesgo